Hair Spa

How Frequent You Should Do a Hair Spa

Should I Have Hair Spa Once a Week?

Do you like hair spa therapy at salon? after doing hair spa treatment, you will be de-stress and can smile again. Because the therapist gives you scalp massage. You can smell fragrance from your hair. It is shiny and super healthy.

Are you addicted by treatments at salon? Maybe you ask yourself, should I have hair spa treatment once a week? Is it good for my hair? Yes, maybe you are afraid of having oily hair if you have too much hair spa treatment.

Hair Spa
Hair Spa

Read this before going to a hair spa salon.

  1. Hair Condition

What is your hair condition? If you have a normal and healthy hair, you can go to a hair spa salon once a month then play Because your hair is already healthy.

If you want to be relax, ask for hands and legs massage service, instead of hair spa. Or maybe you can try gold facial. Too much hair spa cream will makes your hair oily!

  1. Hair problem

What is your hair problem? Basically, there are 3 kinds of hair problem: dandruff, oilyness, and dryness. The hair spa treatment for each hair problem is different.

  1. Dandruff

If you have dandruff, your hair spa therapy will choose tea tree oil shampoo. Because it removes itchy dandruff. Your scalp will be massaged and cleaned by her. You will have a clean and healthy scalp and hair.

Hair Spa
Hair Spa

You can have hair spa therapy for dandruff at least once a month. Do not forge to use dandruff-free shampoo while you are washing your hair at home.

  1. Oily

Oily scalp and hair can reduce your confidence. Your hair looks dirtier because of naughty oil. You can wash your hair every other day with organic shampoo. Do not wash your hair everyday, because it can makes your scalp produces oil again.

For oily hair, you need a hair spa therapy at salon once a week. Do not do it too frequent, because too much hair spa cream can make your hair more oily.

  1. c. Dry and damaged hair

Do you have split ends and dry hair? Damaged hair happens because of wrong colouring process or sun light. But do not worry, you can cure your damaged hair with hair spa treatment.

Hair Spa
Hair Spa

The therapist will choose hair spa products for dry and damaged hair. No more split ends and frizzy hair. You can have super healthy and shiny hair after doing hair spa. If you do this regulary.

For dry hair, you can have hair spa therapy frequently. This treatment can be done twice a months, or even once a week, if you have spare time.

Do not forget to apply conditioner after wash your hair. You can spray moisturizer whenever you feel dryness at your hair.

If you have oily hair, you can have hair spa therapy rarely. Too much hair spa cream makes your hair too greasy. But for dry hair, you can do this therapy once a week. You will have a perfect, shiny, and healthy hair.

Hair Spa Treatment

Benefits of DIY Hair Spa Treatment

Do You like to do Hair Spa Therapy at Home? These Are the Benefits

If you want to have a shiny hair, you can do hair spa therapy regularly. Because at this treatment, the therapist will give hair spa on your scalp and hair. It contains nutritions and moisturizer.

But what if you do not have any time to go to salon because of crazy busyness at office? Do not worry, you can do hair spa therapy at home. Do it by yourself with hair spa cream that you buy at supermarket. Or you can make your own mixture of moisturizer by yourself.

Hair Spa Treatment
Hair Spa Treatment

When you do DIY hair spa therapy at home, you just need a warm towel to cover your head after moisturizing and massaging process. After that, wash your hair and scalp well with cold water.

This are  benefits of doing hair spa at home:

  1. Cheap

You can save your money well if you are doing DIY hair spa at home. No need to pay for therapist’s service! The hair spa products’sprice is not expensive. If you have a bottle of olive oil and virgin coconut oil, you can use it instead of hair spa cream.

  1. Time flexibility

You can do hair spa therapy anytime. In the morning or evening, or even at midnight. If you want to have hair spa treatment at salon, you have to call and book for seat, first. What if there is a sudden meeting at that time? Your booking will be cancelled and no more relaxing session. You may not feel this, if you do hair spa at home.

While you have a newborn baby, DIY hair spa at home will release your stress. You will not afraid of your baby’s condition while doing home treatment.

Hair Spa Treatment
Hair Spa Treatment

But there are disadvantage of doing hair spa at home:

  1. Massage session

If you like to be massaged by salon’s therapist, it is better to have a hair spa treatment at professional salon. You can massage your own scalp, but an expert therapist know how to cure and massage your head well.

If you really do not have time to go to hair spa salon, ask your husband or daughter to massage your scalp and shoulder. Or maybe you can have a DIY hair spa treatment together with him or her. So you can massage each other.

  1. Treatment

If you have hair loss or dandruff, a salon’s therapist cure it with hair serum and special pills. Sometimes you can not buy that serum at supermarket. Then while you have severe dandruff, try to go to hair spa salon at least once a month.

Having a hair spa session makes you relax and happy. It does not matter while you do it at home or salon. It depends on your busyness, condition, and budget.

DIY hair spa therapy at home or hair spa treatment at salon gives same effect: healthy hair. Both of them make your hair shiny and glossy. Hair spa is a fun way to get rid of tired pressure at office or at home.