
Foods That You Should Use to Get Healthy Hair

The following information is for those beauty geeks out there who prefer getting healthy hair the easiest and safest way.  By this, you don’t need to spend many hours doing treatments with your favorite hairdresser.  Therefore, who says having healthy hair costs a lot of money when you can easily find healthy foods for your healthy hair routine in your very own kitchen or your own foods?

By consuming several types of food below, your hair’s nutrition will be maintained and they will ease various hair problems that you have.  So, what are you waiting for?  If you are one smart beauty geeks that knows what’s best for your hair care routine, stay tuned for some great food choices to make your hair look healthy and flawless:

  • Avocados

    This healthy and delicious fruit, contains a good amount of vitamin E that is so beneficial for your hair. They can be consumed directly or can also be made into a juice or a smoothie by mixing milk and chocolate. In addition to dealing with split ends, the natural oils in avocados contain vitamins, especially vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids are also an effective remedy for making your hair smoother and shinier.  Thus, avocados can also stimulate hair growth and control hair loss.


  • Spinach— This may be a little bit uncommon to most people who know about the efficacy of spinach to overcome hair problems. In fact, spinach has one of the best nutrients that benefits your scalp and makes your hair healthy.  Spinach is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, and folate which are all useful to thicken the hair safely and effectively.


  • Banana

    Thick and shiny hair is a sign of healthy hair that all beauty lovers longing for. Bananas contain mostly vitamins A and C that will make your hair not only soft, but also more manageable and not dry as well. You may also smooth one banana, then mix it with coconut oil for a natural remedy.


  • Guava

    Another secret food for a healthy hair care routine is to consume guava. This fruit can help repair hair damage, since the vitamin C contained in guava has antioxidant properties that can protect hair from free radicals that causes damaged hair.


  • Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes are also known for keeping your hair moisturized all day long, since they strongly contain vitamin A. They are not just a good addition to delicious meals and bakery, their vitamin A nutrients will also make hair grow faster and thicker, while preventing hair loss.


  • Cinnamon

    You can make a hair mask with a mixture of cinnamon and olive oil and apply directly to the hair. Or, you can consume cinnamon with your favorite beverages which is believed to be useful for blood circulation, including the head area.  When there is a good blood flow around the head, then, oxygen and nutrients will spread to each strand of your hair.  That way, your hair will always be healthy and shiny.

beautiful and healthy hair

Everyone will want to have beautiful and healthy hair

Everyone will want to have beautiful and healthy hair. But some people do not realize how to make such hair. Indeed there are also several factors that can be obstacles to having beautiful and healthy hair, such as age, hormones, and genetics.

Whatever these factors are, you can overcome them by using vitamins and proper nutrition. All vitamins and minerals will be explained as follows.

  1. Vitamin A

Maybe many people think that vitamin A only affects the health of the eye. Though not only good for the eyes but good for hair growth and beautiful hair appearance too. This vitamin A helps the glands in the natural scalp make a natural hair oil called sebum. The sebum works as a scalp moisturizing agent that keeps hair healthy.

You can get enough vitamin A nutrition by consuming a variety of natural vegetables and fruits. Some vegetables with high vitamin A content are potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, and kale. If you rarely eat these vegetables, then now is the time for you to start eating by changing vegetables.

beautiful and healthy hair
beautiful and healthy hair
  1. Vitamin C

Another vitamin that is also good for hair growth is vitamin C which has another name in the form of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C can work as an antioxidant that prevents the oxidation process due to free radicals. Vitamin C can also trigger the production of collagen on the scalp.

Vitamin C has an important role in helping the process of absorption of iron from the food that we eat. That is why people with blood deficiency are associated with pale and easy hair loss. Some natural food sources that contain vitamin C are oranges, tomatoes, pomegranate, strawberries, and so on.

You can also, take vitamin C supplements in an amount of 500 mg per day. You should also avoid using vitamin C more than that limit when in good health because it can impact on kidney health.

  1. Vitamin B

Another type of vitamin that is also good for health is the vitamin B which is commonly referred to as biotin. Several studies have shown that a lack of vitamins B can cause hair loss. Departing from these reasons, there are now many treatments that use vitamins B in the treatment of hair loss.

There are many types of foods that contain vitamin B complexes, such as nuts and seeds. You can take vitamin B supplements to get a good source of vitamins B every day. This vitamin B helps the body in the production of red blood cells which will carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, including hair.

  1. Vitamin D

Another vitamin that also has an important role in hair growth is vitamin D. The vitamin is connected with alopecia which causes hair loss. Vitamin D helps the formation of new hair follicles. Even though there have been studies that prove that most people are deficient in vitamin D.

beautiful and healthy hair
beautiful and healthy hair

The formation of vitamin D requires the help of sunlight and food sources containing pro-vitamin D, such as fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms, and milk. Therefore, you need to bask in the morning under the sunrays. You can also spend time exercising.

  1. Zinc

Minerals that have an important role in hair growth are zinc. These compounds help hair tissue grow and repair it. This can also help the performance of the follicles. Most people with zinc deficiency are associated with hair loss.