Get Healthy Hair

Drink That You Must Avoid To Get Healthy Hair

List Drink That You Must to Avoid to Get a Healthy Hair


Having thick and healthy hair is everyone’s dream. To get it, maintaining hair is a must to do. A key to maintaining healthy hair is by getting hydrated. Dehydrated head skin is prone to have dandruff which could cause hair loss.

To avoid getting dehydrated, drinking must not be missed. Furthermore, people also should be aware of the kinds of drink that are consumed. Some drink need to be avoided to get healthy hair. They include.

  1. Alcohol

Excessive consumption of alcohol or liquor is bad for your head. Some studies show that alcohol slows down vitamins and minerals absorption in our bodies. Zinc, iron, copper, and protein are some nutrients that are hardly absorbed due to alcohol consumption.

Besides, the body also tends to get dehydrated as the hangover effect after drinking alcohol. The dryness and essential nutrients deficiency could damage the hair if it happens often and for a long time. In addition, estrogen hormone will increase in our body making hair follicle looser and easy to fall.

  1. Sugary drinks

This type of drink covers tea, coffee, juice, smoothie, and more. Sweet drinks are basically good for hair growth if it is consumed in a reasonable limit and not too often. Almost similar to alcohol, sugar in drinks will hamper protein absorption in the body. Meanwhile, protein is good for hair strength. Lacking protein will weaken hair follicles. Disproportionate sugar also destabilizes androgen and insulin in the body. Unstable hormones trigger dull hair and hair loss.

  1. Soft drinks

Soft drinks here include diet soda, regular soda, cola, and more. Lately, soft drinks’ consumption is getting higher. Sadly, there are many awful side effects of these drinks and one of them is thinning hair and making hair frail. These drinks are not only high in sugar but also acids. The dangerous substance in soft drinks is aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener.

The chemical makes hair getting thinner and easy to fall which is already shown in some FDA studies. Surprisingly, these drinks also bring good effect on hair by using them as a shampoo. In a beauty site, some women with different hair try cola to wash their hair and results are quite stunning. Yet, do not wash your hair regularly with cola. Another side effect might come up.

  1. Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea currently have been used as the main ingredient and fragrance in beauty and hair products. It is because the caffeine in the coffee and tea encourages follicles to grow stronger and faster. However, it is only achieved by head skin direct application Overdrinking caffeine will lead to several health problems sleep lacking and stress. Those cause the change in head skin sebum and making head skin greasy.

Healthy Hair Growth

Tips for Healthy Hair Growth

Hair growth is very different from nail growth. Hair cannot grow quickly, even though you use a lot of hair vitamins after every shampooing. You still need months to make it increase a quarter of an inch. Even healthy hair can only grow to half an inch every month. Tips for making hair grow faster.

hair growth

  1. Healthy scalp

You must be aware that a healthy and dandruff-free scalp can help hair grow more fertile. The scalp consists of layers of the dermis and epidermis. When the scalp is healthy, the dermis will also be healthy. The dermis consists of glands, nerves, blood tissue, hair roots, collagen, and so on.

Make sure you always wash your hair regularly to avoid scalp and dandruff free. Need to use a shampoo that matches the characteristics of your scalp too. When dandruff still comes to haunt, then you need to use lime every time you want to wash it. Allow the lime juice for 15 minutes before starting to wash your hair.

  1. Use Hair Vitamins and Healthy Eating

It is undeniable that using hair growth supplements can indeed help supplement hair growth nutrition. But the supplement did not work, like a miracle. Still need a process to grow hair. If you like to eat food with a healthy lifestyle, then it is certain that your body has complete nutrition.

A healthy diet can make you have sufficient reserves of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K in your body. Complete vitamins work like a catalyst that can help hair growth. You might assume that the hair is a part of the body which is also fed through the bloodstream. So you need to continue to pay attention to the number of vitamins that enter the body each day.

  1. Reduce the Frequency of Using Shampoo

Maintaining the cleanliness of the scalp is important with shampooing. But you should not wash your hair every day, because that will actually eliminate natural oils that are beneficial to hair health. Sulfate containing shampoo is very capable of removing the hair’s natural oils.

Reduce the frequency of using shampoo with sulfate content. You can use skin-friendly shampoos and natural hair oils instead of sulfate-containing shampoos. Some good shampoos are those that contain soft surfactants.

  1. Use DIY Conditioner

Indeed in stores, minimarkets, and supermarkets, there are many types of conditioners. However, each product has a synthetic ingredient that usually has worse side effects than natural ingredients. You need to reduce the use of such conditioners.

Instead, you can just make a DIY conditioner that contains components of natural oils from plants. Some mixtures that can make hair grow faster are 1 tablespoon of coconut oil combined with a drop of almond oil, jojoba oil, and macadamia nut oil. Use this mixture before shampooing for 10 minutes.

Hairstyle for Healthy Hair

Best Hairstyle for Healthy Hair

Maintaining a healthy hair is not an easy work. Many steps are required to ensure that you have beautiful and strong hair. Despite the expected efforts, people are still attempting to do so. Among those steps to make sure that the hair stays healthy, choosing the best hairstyle might be the less known method.

Some people do not see the correlation between having certain hairstyle and no damage in the hair. The following part will discuss about how some hairstyles can help maintaining your hair’s best state.

Twisted headband style is perhaps one of the simplest hairstyles you can attempt in quick minutes. Set the headband from the middle top of your head to the start of your nape. The hair is then folded in upward direction and tucked into the headband.

Hairstyle for Healthy Hair
Hairstyle for Healthy Hair

You need to make sure that the hair is distributed equally across the back of your head. This hairstyle protects most of your hair from environment’s negative effect such as pollution or UV ray. You should not use headband that is too tight because in addition to inducing headache, that can break your hair strands easily.

Braid in half-crown is another style that will protect hair from damage without taking too long time. To do this style you can take two separate sections from both sides of the head. Braid both sections in lose manner because too tight braid can risk hair lose if done frequently.

Those two braids are then brought together to meet at the back of your head. You need a clip to set them together but avoid going too tightly. This hairstyle keeps hair away from your face to minimize friction that can break the strands.

If you aspire to look elegant without trying too hard but at the same time preventing damage on your hair, you can try side twist up do. A parting direction needs to be made and it can depend on your taste.

healthy hair
healthy hair

After the part is made, you can split the hair into two nearly equal sections. Each section is then split into two smaller sections. You need to create loose twist for each big section. Those sections are combined at the ends. Such hair style is able to protect your hair from split ends because they are not exposed to the open environment as much.

Space bun is a fun hairstyle that people with quirky sense of style will love. The buns are also protective of your locks. To create the bun, you need to divide your hair into two equal parts. Each section is pulled into creating a top bun at the top of your head.

You can use pin or elastic band to make sure that the buns are kept in their spots. This hairstyle keeps most strands unexposed to the polluted air. You need to be careful not to secure the buns too tight, though.