5 Steps of Hair Spa Therapy at Home

Get a Shiny Hair by Hair Spa Therapy at Home

Hair spa therapy is the best way to release stress. After hectic week day playing judi poker at, you will feel refresh by doing hair spa. It is a special me time for women. They enjoy the scent of hair spa cream and the special massage that is given by therapist.

But hair spa therapy needs time and also money. Do you hate to wait for a long time at a full salon? Or maybe you want a hair therapy but you have to save money to buy a birthday present for your husband. Actually, you can do hair spa therapy at home. You can save your time and money. When you have a baby or toddler, you can get a healthy hair without worrying after leaving them at home. Because you do hair spa therapy by yourself, at your own home.

Hair Spa Therapy
Hair Spa Therapy

This is step by step of doing hair spa at home:

  1. Clean your hair

Wash your hair carefully before applying hair spa cream. Because it does not work in dirty hair. You can choose perfect shampoo for your hair. For example, if you have dandruff, choose tea tree oil shampoo.

You can wash your hair with warm water to open the pore of scalp. Washing your hair with warm water is a kind of relaxation.

  1. Apply hair spa cream

Choose the best hair spa cream for your hair. You can read the label and select it carefully. If you have oily hair, do not buy hair spa cream for damaged hair. Because it contains high doze of moisturizer that makes your hair too greasy.

You can make a special mixture at home, if you do not have time for shopping. If you have dry and frizzy hair, take a spoonful of olive oil and coconut oil. Mix the oils and give 6 drops of vitamin E.

Apply this mixture of oil slowly from scalp to hair-end. Give a slow massage at your scalp and try to relax. Listen to your favorite song and smile!

Hair Spa Therapy
Hair Spa Therapy
  1. Steaming process

When you do not have steaming machine, do not worry. Take a big and soft towel and put it on a bath-tube. Pour the warm water on it, and cover your hair with that towel. The heat of towel is the alteration of steam machine.

  1. Washing process

After the towel is getting cold, uncover it and go to the bathroom. Clean your hair again, slowly, with cold hair. Clean it carefully, because if there is a residue of hair spa cream or olive oil, it can produces white flakes and dandruff.

  1. Drying

Dry your hair carefully. Do not put a hot hair dryer on your hair. You can buy a hair dryer which gives cold wind. If you do not have this kind of hair dryer, just wait your hair to dry naturally.

If you have hair serum, give it carefully into the scalp before hair drying process. You can get shiny and healthy hair by hair spa therapy at home.